Friday, March 6, 2020

STEM Learning - ALOHA Mind Math

STEM Learning So much information is being shared about STEM which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. STEM is the initiativeaddressing education policy andcurriculumchoices in schools from kindergarten through college to improve competitiveness in technology development. It has implications for workforce development, national security concerns and immigration policy. In this article, we would like to point out some articles and resources that make STEM that much more appealing for students participating in ALOHA Mind Math programs. In recent articles about jobs that use math read more here and here, we have discussed the importance that math plays in you or your students future. The STEM initiative pushes that even further. Educational systems and states, including our President, have created entire pathways to help students determine a path they may pursue related to the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Illinois is one those visit their pathways site here. A recent article from the New York Times shares a the opinion of most teens that science is dull and boring and that teachers are not prepared. While this perception may be true, there is something to be said about Math and Science being for more than just Geeks. Do you watch the show, The Big Bang Theory? Amy played by Mayim Bialyk is Sheldons girlfriend on the show.Hollywood and science rarely come together as vividly as they have in her life. She has a Ph.D. in neuroscience AND she plays a neurobiologist on the television show. There is an entire series of articles from people passionate about the STEM initiative. In another recent article from INC., the writer shared a statistic from that in 2020, there will be one million more computer science jobs than computer science students. So between the aging of American Baby Boomers causing industry to become more technological, and the lack of properly trained students ready to graduate into those jobs, the world could come to a screeching halt?? While this isnt likely, it causes a concern about who will fill those positions. At ALOHA we are doing our best to improve the math, reading and writing skills of Generation Z to prepare them for those job openings. To find out more about the STEM initiative visit

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